My path crossed with Rachel’s at the end of summer 2021. Life had brought quite a lot of physical and mental challenges my way after losing my beloved mum in July 2020, and everything going on within me was having a knock-on effect to my two wonderful dogs. They were having some struggles themselves with various symptoms, and neither conventional nor alternative therapies seemed to resolve them. I am a vet, so not being able to help my dogs added to my stress and anxiety, and I was really struggling to know where to turn next especially as my normal routes to help them didn’t seem to be holding. I booked in a joint session for us all with Rachel, and was quite unsure what to expect but felt I had tried everything else by this point and we were all still struggling, and really stuck. After my first session, the change was utterly incredible. I felt like a huge weight had been lifted from me and I was floating at many levels higher than I had been before, I felt like anything was possible, and felt unlocked. I could see life again. It was amazing! People who saw me told me I looked completely different too. After my girls had their sessions, there were obvious changes in them too, which gradually set in further, and they improved with their symptoms. It was like a miracle! Animals are so receptive to all we throw at them and it was so nice they were feeling some resolve, like I was. Since then, we have all had further sessions which have helped us so much. I have certainly learnt a lot and feel the continued journey I am on has been so enlightening and uplifting, and Rachel has given me full support along the way. She is an amazing person, and the talent she possesses to heal and help both people and animals is something that cannot be explained, just accepted. Without experiencing this, it is so hard to understand, yet it is truly incredible! I am so pleased that I took this leap of faith into something that really cannot be explained! Everyone should do it! Animals too! I have great faith in all my profession does, but this too can help animals (and therefore their owners!), which at the end of the day, is the object of our job. I cannot recommend Rachel enough. She has changed my life and helped me see it again except this time, really see it; something I know my mum will be very happy about!

Would you like to hear a little magical but true story? Would you like to hear a little story about a heard of sheep struggling with flies and how a little magic went a long way. The heard of sheep at the Husbandry School in Devon were being plagued by flies. I don’t know about you, but one fly is more than enough for me. Imagine when there are hundreds! One day Carole explained to me about the problems the sheep were experiencing, and so I said I would help with some remote work. Carole, is one of the co-founders of the Husbandry school. At the time she had been working hard to build her dream and had been living in a series of tents while construction of her home was underway. So one evening, I went into my usual trance state for healing and began to focus on the flies in and around the sheep. I envisioned them to all lift up and off the sheep and then to fly away, leaving the sheep in a happy, healthy state. At the end of the session time I was confident much had changed and looked forward to hearing from Carole. What I heard was quite funny in a way. Apparently she had been taking a bath in her tent when all of a sudden all the flies left the sheep and swarmed off as a black ball but before they left they flew into her tent and then out the other side. Here is the testimonial from Carol:
Dear Rachel, It's that time of year when we have been busy shearing our ewes to prevent fly strike and I was reminded of the time when the flies were being persistent and in large numbers. I remember you worked remotely with our girls which resulted in the flies moving on straight away much to the relief of our ewes and us. So wanted to say thank you again for all that you are and all that you do for us humans, the animals and the land 🙏🏻 Carole.

INCA, HOMER & BABY QUACKS - The Black Labs and Duck
Rachel has been our go to healer now for several years. Her capacity to hold process and to see the big picture has been really helpful on many levels. She has been able to heal me from: A case of dire food poisoning (remotely, from the other side of the planet). My duck who had a broken leg was healed and walking within a week. Our dog that was having massive anxiety during bonfire night recovered from her PTSD in one night. I cannot say enough about Rachels abilities to tune into what is necessary and to uplift the good and let the negativity fall away on its own. Deep gratitude to you, Rachel for all of your help ❤️ Anne Becker - South Devon

BENJI - The Chihuahua - Digestive issues
"Rachel is a truly gifted and compassionate healer who has helped release me from outdated and unhelpful beliefs about myself. I feel more grounded, connected and hopeful about my life and would highly recommend her to you. She has also helped (I want to say cured) my Chihauhau Benji with an acute digestive issue and I'm grateful to her beyond words. Trusting a healing process I didn't really understand was the best thing I ever did for Benji and I. Loads of love Kat & Benji xxxxx" Kat Donnithorne - Kentisbeare
MARILYN - The Cat - Had been experiencing petit mal seizures for years
My lovely cat and I have had two remote healing sessions with Rachel, and the effects of the healing we received has been profound and life changing. Rachel is an exceptionally gifted healer and a truly wonderful person. My cat has been experiencing petit mal seizures for years, and although I have consulted many other healers and made changes to her diet, the seizures were only getting worse. After just two sessions with Rachel the seizures have improved remarkably, and this improvement has remained stable and sustained in the time that has passed since her sessions. I really believe that with additional healing, the seizures will fade away completely. It was very clear to me from my own healing sessions with Rachel that she really does work at a soul level. During our follow up consultation she told me things there was no way she could have known. It felt as though she really had connected with my soul, and the essence of who I am. She was so accurate in all that she told me, and everything that she said resonated so deeply with me. She invested a lot of time guiding and advising me with total unconditional love and understanding. I came away from our sessions feeling so uplifted and empowered. With a new perspective, understanding and appreciation for my own journey. Rachel ignited and awakened something within me. It felt as though everything she shared with me I already knew on some level - I had just forgotten. I often refer to my notes from our sessions, and they continue to guide, enlighten and inspire me, providing clarity and insights that I will carry with me forever. Thank you Rachel, for all of your love, kindness, support and wisdom. Thank you for shining your beautiful light, and for sharing your magic. Thank you for living from the depths of your heart and soul. And thank you for inspiring me to live a soul led life. I am forever grateful to you. Anonymous - Devon

ALFIE - The Sheltie
"Alfie, our 12 year old Sheltie dog, had been off his food for a while and had lost a lot of weight with ongoing sickness and vomiting issues despite many visits to the vet and antibiotic treatments etc. As a result he had become lethargic, very sleepy and found long walks up hill difficult and slow. Eventually he stopped eating for a day or more. After a consultation with Rachel followed by a series of remote healing sessions from her, Alfie started to eat again and his appetite progressively improved. He become more energetic and enthusiastic to go out for walks and began to start enjoying life again. He became more playful jumping and running after a ball …. and barking and running after magpies in the back garden! I also noticed how shiny his aura and energy had become. Many thanks to Rachel who has given Alfie a new lease of life." Richard Harris, Western Australia
BAXTER - The Chihuahua - DIagnosed with hydrocephalus and atlanto-axial subluxation
The benefits of a remote healing session on Baxter the Chihuahua. Baxter is a three year old Chihuahua who had a tough start in life. At 7 months old he was diagnosed with hydrocephalus and atlanto-axial subluxation, he suddenly couldn’t walk and was literally one nod away from severing his spinal cord. He had 4 brain surgeries and a spinal surgery and recovered from most of his ailments. Over the following months he started suffering from what can only be described as ‘down days’, these consisted of him withdrawing from the world, not eating, drinking or engaging, often accompanied by sickness and the onset of significant dehydration, regularly culminating in him being on a saline drip to get him hydrated again. Some days he would recover before needing fluids, but he ended up on a drip at least a couple of times a month. Having had more tests, scans, pokes and prods than any 3lb dog should have to endure and still with no actual diagnosis or reason, a wonderful lady I worked with put me in touch with Rachel. After a few healing sessions, Baxter is a changed little boy!!! He can now be found playing with toys, something he hasn’t done since before his journey began, he is loving, cuddly and happy. As I am writing this he is running rings around my other dogs like a hyperactive whippet! The joy at seeing my little champion in such good form was something I daren’t have dreamt of only 6 weeks ago, the change is outstanding and we have Rachel to thank for that. The work she has done with Baxter has bought him to life, he is no longer existing but flourishing. Baxter and I are grateful from the bottom of our hearts for the wonderful work that Rachel does, her gift has given me back the gift of Baxter and I will be eternally thankful. Baxter and Stephanie - Surbiton - Surrey
OSCAR - The WhippetArthritis and struggling to walk as well as being distant
The benefits of a remote healing session on Oscar the Whippet. Oscar, our 11 year old whippet, looked as though he was struggling to walk and our walks were getting shorter. He had a soft tissue sarcoma recently removed from his leg and likely arthritis, in his shoulders and joints. In his nature, he also struggled to show affection or move towards us if he wanted a fuss and would typically move away. Rachel gave Oscar a distance healing, throughout which Oscar lay very relaxed and sleeping on the settee. There are visible changes in how he walks and carries weight on his front legs, and he looks alive again. Within a couple of days, we were walking greater distances and playing ball- galloping on the field. He has also gotten much more vocal when he wants something and begun to make steps towards us. Rachel also offered us advice about feeding Oscar and other things which could help him ongoing. She helped me with the ‘how ‘ to do things for him as well as ‘what’ which I found made it all possible for me. Rachel will continue to work with Oscar over the coming months to support his recovery.

SPENCER - The Collie Cross
Two months ago our beloved 12 year old dog Spencer suddenly became very ill. He was extremely distressed and could barely walk. The vet told us he had aggressive cancer, there was nothing they could do and that we would probably need to have him put to sleep within a few days. We were devastated; our lovely, gentle, wise, dependable old friend who has been on so many happy adventures with us, who our children have grown up with. We of course did not want him to suffer but also could not believe our time with him could so suddenly be over. We brought him home but he found it really difficult to move about and could not eat, he was so sad and withdrawn. We got in touch with Rachel and she saw him immediately. After his first healing session Spencer improved markedly, he was much more comfortable and so peaceful, he could move around much more easily. It was amazing for us too and helped us move from a negative space of anxiety, guilt and fear to a positive one of hope and love for Spencer. Rachel continued to work with Spencer, after each session he would fall into a deep, peaceful sleep and then wake up with more energy and ever increasing mobility and alertness. Rachel was so reassuring and helped us to remain positive even though Spencer did not eat for nearly two weeks and lost a lot of weight. She had so much compassion and respect for Spencer. He gradually got his appetite back and Rachel’s advice about his diet has been invaluable, he is thriving! We started to take him on walks again, something we thought we d never do again. Less than three weeks after he got ill we took him to Dartmoor where he surprised us all by leaping over a stream! Spencer is now doing so well it’s miraculous, he is happy and healthy and glowing with a new vitality. His coat is softer and glossier than it ever has been. We feel so lucky to still have Spencer with us, we appreciate every day, every walk is special. Seeing him sleeping in the sun, chewing a bone, dashing about in the woods at night, hanging out with the kids, it’s all so wonderful! We feel so fortunate that Rachel was here for him when he was in so much need.
ARCHIE – The Retriever
Archie is a golden retriever and at the age of six was in his prime. Except, we started to notice that he had quietened down a lot. He was easier to manage; he didn’t pull like he used and he rarely chased after cyclists or the odd car. On walks he stopped ranging out wide through the woods and fields, but just stayed walking with us. Swimming was a different matter. It is his passion and at every opportunity he would dip in and out of the water. Known locally as “the dog that swims”, he would think nothing of swimming the length of the Totnes Longmarsh, or swimming round Brixham inner harbour. His greatest triumph was swimming the one and a half mile length of Slapton Sands. Walking was becoming more difficult, and it came to the point where he would look at us and want to go home. He developed a limp and found it increasingly difficult to come into standing from lying down. He wasn’t happy. His Mum is a chiropractor, but she could find nothing significantly wrong with him. He was taken to an animal chiropractor, but after two treatments there was no change. At this point Archie’s walks were more like swims, with a bit of walking in between. His Mum then decided to take him to see Rachel. He wasn’t sure about it and took his time to settle during the first treatment, but afterwards we could see an improvement. Rachel also adjusted his diet to include more fresh and steamed vegetables. After his second visit we could see the old Archie emerging. He was keen to walk, he started to pull and we had to watch him with bikes and cars again. He went to see Rachel three more times and is now at the age of seven. But he could be a four year old! He will go on the longest walks and range round in the woods and still have a swim if there’s one on offer. And he’s a happy dog again. Graham Dann

TEDDY - The Yorkshire Terrier
We would like to say a big thank you to Rachel Bolton healer of animals an people. She is an amazing healer, a young lady with specials skills and a big beautiful heart. We first met her a couple of years ago when our little Yorkshire Terrier Teddy became ill, he had a constant cough, his lungs were congested and we were very worried about him after a neighbour who used to breed Terriers said “he has not much longer in this world with that cough” thats when it became urgent to find a healer. Our vet is great and she always does all she can, she even said she could do not more for him, we were so worried we would lose him, then we found Rachel. We took Teddy to see her twice and immediately he was better. We did not see Rachel again until three weeks ago when Teddys’ cough had got really bad again, he was on so much medication he did not like taking and was in a lot of distress. We had three nights when the poor little man could not stop coughing, we really thought this was the end and he would have to be put to sleep. He was in so much distress and that's when I rang rachel. She fitted us in very quickly and after she had healed Teddy put him on the floor. WOW !!! it was absolutely incredible, he only coughed once. That night Teddy slept through, and we went back to see Rachel a week later. Teddy had more healing and since then its a miracle he does not cough at night any more, his breathing is better and not strained and he is so happy and bouncy chasing seagulls and playing with his football!! What can we say, bess you Rachel so much for healing our beloved little Yorkshire Terrier. I have chronic spinal problems and whilst I was sitting watching Teddy being healed my back pain just went. It was unbelievable. So I am next on Rachels’ list for healing. One needs to see Rachels’ healing skills. So if anyone has a poorly animal or they are poorly please go and see her for your self. We both send love and blessings and very many thanks. Susie McGowell and Tony Staniford
LEYLA - Rhodesian Ridgeback
I have two Rhodesian Ridgebacks, Nkumbe and Leyla. Recently Leyla decided that eating, despite being offered many fresh and delicious options, was no longer part of her daily activity. I took her to see the vet but nothing was apparently wrong with her and I was advised to ignore the situation and that she would eventually start to eat again. But after a week of refusing everything we were very worried as she looked very thin. This was when I asked Rachel for help. As soon as Rachel touched Leyla I felt that she understood her mental and physical condition and after two sessions she was back to her old self. Now she eats well and I am very grateful for Rachel’s abilities. I would unreservedly recommend Rachel for animal healing. I have also received healing from Rachel which has helped me greatly. Juliet Wilson

BELLA - The Boxer
This is Bella the boxer dog. She has visited Rachel with problems with her stomach. Bella has suffered with colitis in the past and has developed infections on the outside of her body before due to her internal problems. Visits to the vets were expensive and the problem re-surfaced again so it didn’t seem like the medication and recommendations were quite right for Bella. Not only did our visit to Rachel provide us with a wealth of valuable information about a diet that would help this problem but Bella also had a healing session with Rachel. Afterwards her physical problems improved noticeably and we now have the information about her diet too. Bellas session with Rachel has helped her physically but has also provided great insight about Bella that has widened my understanding of her and made our bond even stronger. Plus, she gets to roll around with gorgeous Kit much to both their delight.
I took our cat, ‘Flapjack’ to see Rachel who was recommended by a friend, because I was not confident in the vet’s diagnosis of possible pancreatitis. And I did not want him to have any invasive treatments. He had serious bouts of vomiting and was losing weight. I was amazed the first time Rachel held him on her lap because he stayed there for at least half an hour very peacefully. He very rarely sits on my lap and does not like to be picked up and cuddled. I stayed in the room while Rachel laid her hands on him and I felt very emotional while she was treating him. And he was very relaxed afterwards. The second time Rachel treated both of us as she made it clear how closely we are connected to the animal friends in our lives and as I was feeling very stressed about my husband’s recent diagnosis with a brain condition. She gave both Flapjack and me essence blends to take and also Chinese herbs for me. We continued to see Rachel over the next few months and at one point when it was hard to visit she gave us distant healing at an arranged time. I sat with Flapjack on the bed with my hands on him and he stayed asleep the whole time, while Rachel was giving him distant healing. I have noticed a marked improvement in Flapjack. I am also treating him with homeopathic remedies and although he still has some vomiting episodes he is eating well and regularly and seems calmer and more friendly especially when we have visitors. I am also feeling stronger emotionally and more able to cope with the big changes happening in our lives since my husband stopped working. He also had some sessions with Rachel which he found very supportive. I would not hesitate to recommend Rachel as both an animal and human healer and have great confidence in her professionalism and her warm and loving touch. Trish Curry

GUINNESS - The Collie Cross
Rachel is a very special person, with very special gifts. She has helped my dearest dog with his dislocated hip and pain from the associated arthritis. She also treats humans which is a bonus! I felt like a new woman after seeing her just the once which was remarkable. Lynne H RGN
KALI - The Boxer
My Boxer bitch, Kali who is now 6 years old, has always displayed a tendency of nervous aggression towards other dogs, despite being intensively socialised as a puppy and being taken to endless training classes. No trainer seemed to be able to get to the root of the problem as she always behaved immaculately during training sessions. She appeared to lack confidence in her ability to greet other dogs in the correct manner and with respect and could only perform the usual ‘boxer’ greeting of going in shoulder first. Whilst this was not aggression, it was often perceived to be so by other owners so I was not the most popular owner in the park! I resorted to putting her on the lead when we met other dogs but this was just not dealing with the issue. Having read Rachel’s advertisement in a magazine about her dealings with dogs, I thought this might be the answer and how right I was! Kali’s bodily tension was gently worked on and how she loved the massaging! Rachel has increased her energy levels and has produced a much more balanced dog. Having had a healing session myself to work on my confidence to deal with any situation, I feel that Kali is more ‘in tune’ with me whilst we are out and we are taking baby steps towards dealing with other dogs. Sometimes she is fine, other times she will still go in too hard and fast, but now at least does back off when asked. We still have a way to go, but we will continue with the healing session and know we will get there in the end. Thank you, Rachel, from both of us!

KITTY - The Mare
I believe Rachel is a very talented healer who is devoted to the healing of our planet at this time. She worked four times on my 15 year-old mare, Kitty, last summer, and shortly after this a small sarcoid she had on her thigh shrivelled and dropped off. Margaret Hannah, MA, BHSAI
ELLIE - The Black Labrador
Originally went to see Rachel with some physical problems that were showing up in Ellie, my dog. I was impressed from the start as to the way Rachel handled Ellie and she tuned into her really fast. After working on Ellie, Rachel then worked on me. It was a powerful experiences and I could see similar patterns that were showing up in both Ellie and myself. Now when either myself or my dog are showing signs of being out of sync then I take myself off with Ellie to see Rachel. I have recently got another dog which makes life even more interesting! I have always been fascinated by the connection of humans and their dogs and so I have benefitted greatly from Rachel’s innate wisdom and healing abilities. I would and do recommend Rachel to others. Also I can see that Ellie thoroughly enjoys her healing experiences with Rachel and I certainly love it for myself! Linda

LOLA - The Black Labrador
Our dog was shaking with high fever. Lola has in the past used the vets for many different reasons. Many prescription drugs can sometimes help but then left her constipated and thirsty. I believe in a combination of therapies and felt hugely grateful when we found Rachel. I measure our trust in her work by our experiences with her healing practice. Lola trusts her and licks her face and is always happy to see her. On one day our dog Lola had a high temperature and started to shake continually all over with her tail between her legs. We called Rachel and within an hour Lola had completely calmed almost in a ‘heavenly place’ she lay on her back trusting in Rachels ability completely. Motionless and serene. The fireworks that week had made her more alert to noise and anxiety but in this moment her shaking and fever decreased significantly enough for her to make a full recovery the next morning. Rachel's innate connection to her was beautiful to watch. respectful but treats animals with the love and honouring of which I believe all animals should have. She appears to have an inbuilt understanding to reach animals on an inter-stelar level. As I observed her work it was if her ability to connect to my lolas inner voice and truly treat what she was unable to express. Rachels has a DOG WHISPERING style. For us Rache'ls knowing that Lola is not just a dog but a very much loved member of our family is the right choice of us. Not only that, she always makes a speedy recovery after a session of healing. Rachel is a gift to any animal suffering. Kate Roubillard – Councillor
OSCAR - The Flat Coated Retriever
I took Oscar, our flat-coated retriever, to see Rachel as he was suffering from persistent lameness in one of his front legs, which I feared might have been the onset of arthritis even though he is not yet 5 years old. Keeping a large, lively dog quiet and still for 45 minutes is quite a challenge, but Oscar was calm pretty much straightaway (after his typical initial exuberance!) and lay down quietly as Rachel laid her hands on him during the session. We had another shorter treatment the following week and Oscar couldn’t wait to greet Rachel and immediately settled down into an almost trancelike state as she started the session. Rachel also gave advice around eradicating possible parasites in Oscar’s system which I have been working on. Since the treatment Oscar’s lameness has completely disappeared and he is more full of energy, playfulness and affection than ever. I too have benefitted from Rachel’s work and despite my initial trepidation that it was all too weird, would recommend her highly. Louise

MINNIE - The Cat
Healing from Kidney failure My ten year old Birman cat, Minnie, went into sudden kidney failure. Despite immediate veterinary care, her chances of survival looked slim. In shock, I asked Rachel to work with me to help Minnie recover. Rachel worked on Minnie from a distance whilst assisting me to remain positive and calm about this distressing situation for me and my beloved cat. Rachel also visited Minnie in the veterinary hosiptal and did some hands-on work with her. Minnie seemed in bliss with her time with Rachel. Within 48 hours, Minnie blood test results were virtually normal and she came home. Rachel continued to support Minnie (and I!) throughout her recuperation. She helped me to trust my intuition and listen to Minnie and her needs. Heartfelt thanks, Rachel.
HARVEY - The Rabbit
Harvey and I want to say a BIG Thank You for our healing we had with you last week…we are both feeling so much better…. Harvey has been eating and bouncing around again…and I’m feeling calm and centred again…lots of love… Gilly and Harvey…xxxxxx

CHOPPERDEE - The Staffie Cross
My two year old Staffie cross, Chopperdee, had aggressive, nervous, fear issues when around new dogs. This is not something one wants with this breed of dog!We went to see Rachel Bolton to see if she could help him, not knowing that I would eventually have to face my demons and admit that I had issues too; alcohol dependency and a 30 year battle with bulimia.I knew I had to become a new, balanced, calm and centered soul in order for Chopperdee to achieve his full potential.We are both journeying well together with Rachel’s help. Chopperdee is extremely happy and grateful with a new outlook on life and is enjoying walks with his new wonder woman!We are a very happy family and its all down to Rachel. We love you and are your number one fans.Miss Shiny, Devon.
MOOSE - The Spaniel
Moose is an energetic, joyful, fun-loving spaniel with tons of personality and a heart to match. However, he had had a bad tummy for a long time and no matter what I did, things weren't improving. He was also becoming very anxious and over excitable. He was living on his nerves and sleeping very badly. After his first distant healing session with Rachel, there was an immediate and marked improvement! His tummy and digestion improved overnight and he became a lot calmer and less fretful. After our combined second session a week later, he started sleeping normally, his tummy was 100 per cent better and he was so much happier and calmer. I can't think Rachel enough and I would whole-heartedly recommend her to anyone whose beloved pet is ill. Moose is now back to his normal, bouncy, full-of-beans self and I am just so relieved and happy. I've improved his diet based on Rachel's advice and he absolutely loves it! With love and thanks Barbara and Moose.

COCO - The Siamese Cat
We contacted Rachel when our vet recommended euthanasia for our 10year old Siamese cat coco. Coco had deteriorated very suddenly after an anesthesia and minor procedure (not an operation) and could not even stand when we brought her back home from the vet. As she’d been in good health beforehand we were shocked and devastated when we took her back to the vet who took bloods and said her kidney readings were so high she was in kidney failure and it would best to have her euthanised as there was no way back from such poor blood tests. Distressingly Due to Covid 19 they told us we couldn’t be with her when she passed. This was so upsetting and all so sudden. She looked so miserable and we couldn’t bear to think of her dying alone. We were in total shock and just sat with her in the car in the vets car park. When the vet came for her we were about to hand her over when she tried to jump out of the basket. Coco didn’t want to go! We took this as a sign and asked for a second opinion. There was no doubt about the blood tests but we thought perhaps it was an infection and asked for her to go onto antibiotics and iv fluids for a few days in the vets to see if it could clear and if she had a chance. We didn’t want her to suffer but she seemed to be saying she wanted a chance to get better. It was then we found Rachel and started healing sessions with coco in conjunction with her treatment with the vet. We visited coco each day and the vet brought her out to us as we couldn’t go in. The next set of bloods showed it had been a kidney infection and that it had started to clear up and her bloods were a little better. We discussed her progress with Rachel and with our vet and we all agreed that after 3 days coco might be better at home. Rachel was right to say that Coco would be happier at home and The vet said she was not in pain or distress but weak. As soon as we got her home a real change happened for the better. We had two more sessions with Rachel and afterward each one coco seemed much brighter and energetic. She was head bumping her brother Thor and sister Asha with such joy and they were all so pleased to see her. Thor has been very unhappy that his sister had gone away. Today is 19 days since the vet recommended saying goodbye to coco. She has made something of a miraculous recovery. She is at home, eating her favourite foods, enjoying days in the sunshine in her garden and being showered with love and from all her family. She is most definitely enjoying life and her bloods continue to get better. We do believe that the extra support from Rachel has been invaluable and has helped coco fight back and enjoy more days of happy life. We don’t know what may be ahead but what we do know is that these recent days have been among Coco’s Happiest and that we we right to give her that chance and to have supported her not just physically but also with Rachel’s healing.
PIPPA - The Staffer
Pippa is 15 and half year old rescued staffer. She was extremely poorly in February and so I made an appointment to have her put to sleep at the end of the week. I contacted Rachel who did 2 remote healings for her whilst we were out in nature. After the healing she perked up and started to smile again. I obviously cancelled the appointment! I also gave her a bath which she loved and life just changed for her in so many ways. She’s still slightly wonky on her legs but hey nearly 16 she’s allowed to be . She’s loving life and her organic food and obviously loves and thanks Rachel very much xxxxxxx My other staffer who knows Rachel very well, ran round the field when the remote healing was going on like a twerp .... saying haha not my turn today as he too has received healing for health and behavioural problems in the past.

Rachel has treated our dog Bella in the past. The problems we had with Bella have never re- surfaced. We went from fairly regular vet visits to never returning to the vets for the same problem in 6 years. With the healing and advice from Rachel those problems are no longer an issue. So, when my family and I discovered our 10 year old boxer dog Bella was pregnant I contacted Rachel. Firstly, I wanted to just ask advice as we had never had puppies before and also to ask if she might know of homes for them in the future. Rachel said she didn’t see a lot of puppies. She saw 2 and one was not so good. She also advised us to be ready sooner rather than later as she thought Bella would have them before anyone had predicted she would. And so, a week before her ‘due date’ Bella ended up needing an emergency caesarean during which one pups placenta had come away and so it was starved of oxygen and another 2 which were described as deformed and ‘non-viable’ were also lost. I think these two were dead already though. So, we were left with one tiny survivor, who probably would have been the runt if there had been a litter. Rachel suggested we supplement her with milk as Bella wasn’t producing enough milk at that point. She also gave us advice about Bellas diet that would help milk production and general health during a particularly taxing physical time for an older dog. We followed her advice and Bella was doing really well and coping with the new situation so well. I was in touch with Rachel and things seemed to be ok. One day our tiny puppy started to go downhill. She very quickly lost a lot of weight and was very dehydrated. The vets told us she was in critical condition but they couldn’t take her in to help with a drip or anything because she wouldn’t make it without her mum. We left feeling deflated and really worried about how to help the puppy.
I contacted Rachel and we arranged a healing session. Before the session began the puppy had not been feeding, was listless and floppy and had started to make a whining sound like she was in pain. It was awful not being able to make her better straight away. We were feeding her with a syringe which is hard and you can’t get a lot in. Pretty much as soon as the session began she stopped making the noise and both dogs lay down together. I left them to it and waited to see what would happen. After the session within a couple of hours the puppy had moved around looking for food. She had some life in her all of a sudden. She took the bottle really well and got a good feed. I was over the moon. It truly felt like she had been pulled back to us. She was drifting away and come back. Rachel stayed in constant contact and was available all day to answer questions and offer advice post healing. Her level of care, advice and compassion is like no other ‘service’ I had ever experienced. Not only was the advice and healing so helpful but the calm reassurance and hope she gave me when I was buried deep in the difficulty of the situation was like a beacon of light. Over the next couple of weeks the puppies health and well-being rippled in peaks and troughs. Some days were good, other days were tough and she kept fading away again. Every time I turned to Rachel she was able to offer healing almost straight away or the following morning. And every time after the session the puppy would gain enough strength to suckle on Bella and take food from the bottle. Things were ok again and so we carried on. But, the rollercoaster wasn’t over yet! The puppy needed so much care it was pretty much intensive treatment for a month. Rachel was with us through it all and I truly felt her support and when necessary her gift to heal and help our little puppy back to a state of more ease.

Then there came a day that Nanuk took a sharp turn downhill. This time I really thought we might lose her. She was so weak and dehydrated that she could barely swallow even with syringing water into her mouth. In all honesty we were almost at giving up point too. Then I got a phone call from Rachel. She talked me through trying some things to get pup back up and able to feed. I really needed the help at that point and obviously Nanuk did too. She was doing healing as we were talking on the phone. After another couple of hours Nanuk perked up again and guzzled milk down with great gusto. What a huge relief it was. She has been high and low as we all have on the journey together. But, at every turn Rachel has been there and been able to bring her back to us long enough to keep her going. We didn’t know how long this was going to go on for and it seemed never ending. She was nearly 4 weeks old now. This was the last session she has had now and since then she has turned a corner for the better and is feeding well, regularly and has started to behave as she normally would at 1 month old. It is so incredible to see her now compared to how she was. We are all infinitely grateful to Rachel and so glad she chooses to share her gift with all those who need help. One session I stayed in with them and it was like a beautiful enveloping warm hug.It was such a bright light that held us and I could feel it. I had been to see Rachel and had healing in person but never distance healing. I understood that it was no different in terms of energy but in practice I had not felt it yet. Now that I have there is no doubt in my mind that her incredibly powerful gifts transcend space and for anyone who has reservations about distance healing for their animals or themselves I can, having experienced both, attest to it being no less powerful or having no less effect. In fact, it’s pretty convenient, especially if it’s hard to transport you pet. Another benefit to it is our whole home felt cleared and was filled with a calm and peace that benefitted all of us. Bella and Nanuk both spent much time resting together after their treatments which was lovely to see, snuggled up together. Bella was amazing and had no post-operative problems and has benefitted hugely from the healing as well as all the advice offered. We are so intertwined with our pets and no one understands this better than Rachel, that I’ve ever met. Her gifts are amazingly powerful but also so gentle and caring. Her genuine care for you and your animals is actually invaluable. I don’t know many people that would be on call as much as she has been for us. There is no doubt in our minds that without Rachel our little Nanuk would not be with us today. We are eternally grateful.