My Mission:
To sell 1 million copies of my self published book and donate 50% of the profits to charity
"Your book was a joy to read. Many things in it that I must keep reminding myself everyday. To keep going forward, stay strong and when life gets tough it will pass, through love, and love for others."
The beautiful land of Amazonia suffered an ecological and emotional demise after being invaded by the Mopheads. Seigfreid, the dwarf from underground crystal caves and friends who live upon the land devise a plan to restore love and light to their world. Meet with walking and talking trees, inter-dimensional unicorns, Primrose the fairy, and so many others. Find out how love and light are so important for the health and wellbeing of everyone and everything.
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"I would love to be able to buy 1000 books and walk through my neighbourhood posting them to all. Sharing the love and messages that are so needed to everyone right now."
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"It has a fabulous Enid Blyton feel to it. Like the Enchanted Forest and The Magic Faraway Tree, with real and current issues being addressed in a magical way. If you could get this book in a primary or middle school curriculum with teachers explaining the meaning of each chapter, I think we’d get another step closer to healing the planet."
"Rachel Bolton has woven a sacred web of magic in her book, ‘Sam and the Magic Tree.This delightful book reminds us of the magic of life and is a stunning allegory of our human plight on earth; as well as the inspiration and empowerment that transpires when we come together in a shared cause. This little book holds a big vision of what is possible when we believe in the good of each other; as well as let our hearts and respect for each other guide our actions and decisions." M Meiche | California - USA
"Sam and the Magic Tree by Rachel Bolton is a magical and mystical story. A pure delight. You find yourself immersed in a luminous world full of mythical creatures. A healing journey in finding the light, restoring and reconnecting to the beauty and love of the land and nature. A tale for our times." I Graham | Surrey - UK
"Rachel Bolton has written this magical book in a very easy to read way and is ideal to read to or be read by children. There's lots of amazing and wonderfully colourful characters which stimulate the imagination. There's an undertone of nature and the wonders and mysteries of the earth and insights into an ancient fantasy world to fire the imagination and interest whilst delivering a spiritual understanding of the earth and its natural marvels. I am sure this will stimulate the dreams of of those who read and are read too. There are many picture graphical thoughts which are invoked and stir the imagination. The nurturing value of a healthy planet and its dependance on wise management. The wisdom of the ages and the forgotten knowledge of ancients, tree spirits, warriors and earth protectors. Light over coming darkness and the triumph of love and what's is good over the carelessness that seeks to destroy the earth's purity. Sam a little boy sees this battle around him and witnesses the result of the earth overcoming those who seek to damage its nurturing structure." P. Robin | London - UK
"A lovely story!" S. Stanbrookbyrne | Devon - UK
"Read this lovely little book...... such an engaging story, think most children would love it. Has so many interesting characters in it, couldn't wait see how they were going to fix the problems. Very creative & heart centred ...perfect for bringing some MAGIC into your life!!!!! " K Deise | Canada
Do you have your own review?
A wonderful set of messages throughout that should anchor within everyone
A sweet but potent book, simple yet with profound truth of the planet and it's elemental magic.♥️♥️
Rachel Bolton, born in London in 1969, is a writer, artist, spiritual teacher, a student of astrology and a psychic channel for healing energy. She heals people and animals and has over twenty years experience. You can find out more by exploring the rest of this site here.

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It's a beautifully simple book that conveys important messages in an accessible way. It will appeal to all ages
Reviews From Happy Readers
Your book was a joy to read. Many things in it that I must keep reminding myself everyday. To keep going forward, stay strong and when life gets tough it will pass, through love, and love for others. You are amazing, you should be soooo proud of you. I’m going to give it to my niece to read. I would love to be able to buy 1000 books and walk through my neighbourhood posting them to all. Sharing the love and messages that are so needed to everyone right now. That one day may manifest I hope xxxx I am blessed to journey with you wonderful Rachel Penny Brenner - Devon
I was have been in search of Enid Blyton’s magic faraway tree or the enchanted forest for decades, now I will be looking out for the magic tree...amongst all the other magic around us. Well done Rachel Bolton. A wonderful set of messages throughout that should anchor within everyone. I was wishing for another two hundred pages, like a longer description of each adventure, which may even anchor those message subconsciously; and with space and time to reflect. I was imagining Sam’s mission, when he reappeared to go on for those extra pages as it’s a great story. It has a fabulous Enid Blyton feel to it. Like the Enchanted Forest and The Magic Faraway Tree, with real and current issues being addressed in a magical way. If you could get this book in a primary or middle school curriculum with teachers explaining the meaning of each chapter, I think we’d get another step closer to healing the planet. Maybe combine it with, (I think), the Dalai Lama’s thought, that...If we were to take all of the children on the planet, at the age of five and teach them how to meditate on compassion for one hour per week, we could eliminate all violence on our planet, in one generation.I hope many many people read this and really think about, then make even one change to help our beautiful planet. Oh... and I want a wand made by Sam Georgie Lamb - Towcester - Northampton
A sweet but potent book, simple yet with profound truth of the planet and it's elemental magic. ♥️♥️ Trudi Jone - Newton Abbot - South Devon
It's a beautifully simple book that conveys important messages in an accessible way. It will appeal to all ages ♥️ Beverley Garland - Ashburton - Devon