I am a healer with over 20 years experience and I can help raise your energetic frequency in this unique Spiritual Development programme. Can you imagine what you could achieve through expanding your consciousness and connecting with your higher self?
The only requirement of this course is your desire and intent to evolve spiritually and realise your full potential. The more connected you are on a soul level the more intuitive you become. A higher vibrational energy will benefit your personal and professional life. Spiritual development will encourage your soul connection. It will allow the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual to work together as a powerful and incredible driving force in all aspects of your life.
"When you have a session with Rachel not only you benefit but everyone and everything extending from you. The knock on effects are amazing!"
Are you looking to find your edge for yourself and your whole business?
The benefits of this programme are limitless:
Greater creativity, innovation, inspiration, invention, design, success and focus.
Your vibrational frequency is raised to attract more of what you want into your life.
Develop and connect with your higher self to receive guidance and inspiration to help you in all areas of your business and personal life.
Make choices from your higher self to give you your edge.
Benefit from a higher vibrational field.
Learn and develop to rely on your inner guidance
Learn to follow and trust your inner guidance
Achieve new levels of personal power
Let your souls path shine the way forward!
"Rachel is very passionate and dedicated in her spiritual path and has engaged and encouraged me to follow my dreams. I would recommend anyone reading this testimonial to work with Rachel and enjoy her positive healing space."
Your vibrational frequency is raised and the rest of your life reflects this back to you.
Enjoy the improved relationship you have with your self.
Experience better relationships with those around you.
Practice discerning, making choices that best serve you and your higher purpose.
Feel more aligned to your higher purpose.
Your soul led life becomes more of your focus and life feels better.
Diet habits change.
Physical problems resolve.
Your reactions move into responses that best serve you.
Fear is transformed into courage and faith.
Your soul's destiny becomes the driving force for your soul led living.
"What more can I ask? Rachel has been a beacon of light for me and so many that I love and care for. Rachel allows you to feel empowered in your own abilities and intuition and to trust yourself, and therefore all that extends around you."
What You Will Receive

8 once weekly 30 minute energetic tunes ups
I focus my attention on to you and channel the energy that will raise your energetic frequency to one that best serves you in all areas of your personal and professional life.

8 x 45 minute once weekly video conferencing or telephone consultations
These session are very empowering and an important aspect of the course. We discuss all that happened for you in the remote healing session and focus in on areas that require the most attention. Each session carries with it a very high vibrational frequency all of which you will feel. Each session will bring an energy of inspiration, empowerment and wisdom. Every healing tune up and consultation gives you more of the required energy and tools to journey with for the week ahead with each session building on the energy of the previous one. All appointments are scheduled in advance and you are given all the information on how to prepare for each session.